Welcome to Sirvoy, we are happy to have you with us.

This is a guide that will help you set up your account properly before you go live with it.

Your property will not be live until you’ve installed the booking engine on your website or have connected your Sirvoy account to any of the offered sales channels, so feel free to familiarize yourself with all the available features.

If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team who are available 24/7.

1. Create your different room types

and add the correct amount of units (rooms) for each specific room type.
Create room types
Create units

Example of setup: Room type: “Single Room”. Units: “Room 01” and “Room 02”

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2. Set up your rates.

You have already set a base rate for your units when you created your room types.
In this step you can change your rates depending on the season, day of the week or perhaps giving a discount for longer stays.
Creating seasonal or day of the week price changes
Creating a discount for longer stays

3. Set up restrictions for your rooms.

Perhaps you are only open on a seasonal basis, or you want to close your property for bookings on certain days of the week.
Restriction for check-in/out or stays
Closing an individual room

4. Keep track of payments and invoices.

To be able to track your sales and make an accounting report, you have to:

    1. Activate the invoicing feature by going to Settings -> Financials -> Invoice module.
    2. Set up Chart of Accounts (will be visible when you have activated the invoicing feature.)

5. Accepting credit card details and online payments

If you want to allow your guests to pay directly through your booking engine on your website, or if you want to accept credit card details from sales channels for later processing, then you can set that up now.
Charging and accepting payments for reservations online

Perhaps you only want to store credit card details in Sirvoy and charge them on your own external terminal? You may then want to use the Sirvoy Vault feature.
Store credit cards safely in Sirvoy

6. Import your existing bookings into Sirvoy

It’s important that all reservations with a future check-in date are registered in Sirvoy before going live to ensure that your availability is up to date.
Importing existing reservations into Sirvoy

If you are not able to provide us with a CSV-file for us to import, then simply add them one by one by going to the New booking page in the main menu and selecting correct dates and units.

Note: If you connect your account with Booking.com, these bookings will be automatically imported into Sirvoy, so make sure to exclude all Booking.com reservations when registering your current reservations into Sirvoy.

Well done!

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your account and set up all of the above, you can go live.

Thank you for choosing Sirvoy!