New in September 2019

19 September 2019, 04:20 pm NZST

A renowned American poet once wrote: “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” We agree that a change in perspective can make all the difference. That being said, we are happy to finally add a significant enhancement to the Sirvoy that will elevate the perspective of your property: the possibility to add multiple images to your booking engine. What does this mean for you?

More Perspective with Multiple Images

In the past, you were only able to upload one image for each room or extra. With our most recent development, you are now able to add multiple images of high quality for each product! This will give your guests more insight into your property, an opportunity to not just “look at” your products, but to “see” them. More than that: they will see themselves in them and already visualize in detail what will make their stay a memorable one.

Being able to add high-quality images to every room or extra makes the viewing experience even more impressive for your guests, while allowing you to make what really matters to you stand out in the best possible way. You can also very easily sort, edit or crop the uploaded images with the tools provided. Why not take a moment to try it out right now? Simply go to Settings -> Accommodation -> Edit to start adding and customizing your choicest images to your liking.

Customizing Your Image Gallery

To make the viewing experience of your products even more enjoyable for your potential guests, our support article here provides useful information on customizing the gallery display to comfortably match the style of your own website.

Extending Perspectives Globally

Beyond the above improvements, we are working relentlessly to make Sirvoy available to as many around the world as possible. Here are just a couple of ways we are doing this:

  • Languages – You will be pleased to know that we have added a few more supported languages for the booking engine and invoicing: Greek, Thai, and Vietnamese.
  • Channels – We have now fully implemented SiteMinder Exchange, which allows you to seamlessly connect to Sirvoy through smart and simple connectivity. More on this development can be found in our related support article here.

We are confident that with these important enhancements, you can add significant perspective to your property and make the discovery journey an even better experience for your guests.